├──【level 1】A good Trick
| ├──agoodtrick_P001(全文).mp3 1.39M
| ├──Level1:agoodtrick.pdf 24.21M
| └──ReadwithBiff,Chip&Kipper-AGoodTrick(FirstStories_Level1.6).mp4 114.11M
├──【level 1】Floopy did This
| ├──FloppyDidThis.mp3 2.43M
| ├──Level1FirstStoriesFloppyDidthis.mp4 28.64M
| └──Level1:floppydidthis.pdf 24.11M
├──【level 1】get on
| ├──GetOn.mp3 2.10M
| ├──Level1FirstStoriesGeton.mp4 27.61M
| └──Level1:geton.pdf 23.09M
├──【level 1】six in bed
| ├──1-15SixinaBed.mp3 276.10kb
| ├──Level1FirstStoriesSixinaBed.mp4 30.46M
| └──Level1:sixinabed.pdf 22.78M
├──【level 1】The pancake
| ├──Level1:thepancake.pdf 24.25M
| ├──stage1_24.Thepancake_P001(全文).mp3 1.41M
| └──ThePancake.m4a 1.24M
├──【level 1】up you go
| ├──Level1FirstStoriesUpyougo.mp4 31.92M
| ├──Level1:upyougo.pdf 24.84M
| └──UpYouGo.mp3 2.61M
├──【level 2】Dad’s Birthday
| ├──1CDad'sBirthday.mp3 2.00M
| └──DadsBirthdayOxfordReadingTreeLevel1.mp4 20.43M
├──【level 2】Funny Fish
| ├──1AFunnyFish.mp3 2.45M
| ├──Level2FirstStoriesFunnyFish.mp4 26.56M
| └──Level2:funnyfish.pdf 28.44M
├──【level 2】Mums New Hat
| ├──1CMum'sNewHat.mp3 2.49M
| └──Mum‘snewhatOxfordReadingTreeLevel1.mp4 37.43M
├──【level 2】Picnic Time
| ├──1BPicnicTime.mp3 2.40M
| ├──Level2:picnictime.pdf 31.33M
| └──PicnicTimeOxfordReadingTreeLevel1.mp4 17.83M
├──【level 2】silly Races
| ├──1BSillyRaces.mp3 1.63M
| ├──Level2:sillyraces.pdf 29.77M
| └──SillyRacesOxfordReadingTreeLevel1.mp4 8.84M
├──【level 2】The snowman
| ├──1ATheSnowman.mp3 2.05M
| ├──Level2:thesnowman.pdf 26.49M
| └──TheSnowman.mp4 500.38M
├──【level 3】Floppy and the Bone
| ├──2CFloppyandtheBone.mp3 2.99M
| ├──Level1FirstStoriesFloppyandthebone.mp4 29.97M
| └──Level3:floppyandthebone.pdf 29.45M
├──【level 3】I can trick a tiger
| ├──2BICanTrickaTiger.mp3 3.64M
| ├──Level3FirstStoriesIcanTrickatiger.mp4 29.54M
| └──Level3:Icantrickatiger.pdf 31.29M
├──【level 3】Poor Old Rabbit
| ├──2APoorOldRabbit.mp3 2.58M
| ├──Level3FirstStoriesPoorOldRabbit.mp4 21.85M
| └──Level3:pooroldrabbit.pdf 28.86M
└──【level 3】Super Dad
| ├──2ASuperDad.mp3 3.03M
| ├──Level3FirstStoriesSuperDad.mp4 27.35M
| └──Level3:superdad.pdf 30.55M
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